Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chocolate Chip and M&M Cookies!

I make a mean chocolate chip cookie and my M&M cookies don't come in far behind. Not trying to brag - just being honest. :) Hey - I go with what I'm told by friends ... and with what my tummy tells me too! 

Anyway... I had some Easter M&Ms and I always have chocolate chips on hand, so I recently decided that I should make a double batch and use BOTH chocolate chips and M&M. 


Yes! Yes I am crazy. 

But my craziness paid off because man oh man they were tasty!

Here's how I got from a counter of ingredients to the delcisious cookies that are SO hard to eat just one:

Dry ingredients and sugars.

And everything before mixing it all up!

The butter and sugars mixing.

Making sure all the eggs and vanilla are combined.

And now adding the dry ingredients. 

Almost done, but can't forget the chocolate chips and M&M!

Don't you want to just dive in???

Portioned out and ready for baking.

Anddddddddddd done!

Ready for a trip to my tummy. 

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