Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Quick Garden Update

That's right - this is going to be quick because I have more things I need to do this evening, but can't go without a garden update this week!

The most exciting news is that I have now enjoyed my very first jalapeno of the season!

I knew there were a few peppers getting rather large, and I almost picked the biggest one to give to my mom on Friday, but I didn't know when she'd get around to using it. I ended up picking it Friday evening and used it a few hours later on some delicious homemade nachos!

Right after picking...

And sliced before using.

The four plants!

The tomato plants are doing well, but nothing very new or exciting to report this week.

Cherry Tomato Plant

The Other Tomato Plant
(I always forget the real name...)

I did dig down a little on the shallots, but I didn't find much so I put the soil back where it was before.  The shallots look good nonetheless and the garlic is doing just as well!



The green onions are THRIVING! The ones I had last year didn't do this well, so I'm seriously considering planting more in another container in the next few weeks! 

I have a new strawberry on the plant and it's bigger than most that I get. But sadly, it's already starting to turn color so it won't really get any bigger. Oh well - I'm sure it'll still be very tasty!

And finally - my herbs. They're ALL loving the Summer weather and are rewarding me with amazing growth. I used basil, rosemary, thyme AND parsley in many different recipes this weekend and none of them really look like they were touched. I love love love my fresh herbs! :)



Thyme and Parsley



And finally - to updated you from a few weeks ago... my mom thought her wildflower bombs had "bombed" and I told her to be patient because mine had just sprouted.  Well, the sprouts have really grown and some are blooming! I love them and I hope my mom's didn't end up "bombing".  

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