Sunday, May 22, 2011

Homemade Salsa

Growing up in Tucson, I remember enjoying chips and salsa as a snack on many ocasions. The salsa was always the best when it was homemade by my best friend's dad. I've asked for his recipe multiple times, but he says he doesn't use one so he can't really give me one. That wasn't much help!

After many failed attempts I've finally come close to making something that tastes quite similar to how I remember it. The look is a little different, but the taste is close and that's what matters more!

I didn't grow any of the ingredients in the salsa but I have hopes to use homegrown tomatoes and jalapenos soon!

The ingredients!

The end product - YUM!

Like my friend's dad - I don't have a set recipe because I go by the way it tastes in the end, but here's my best guesstimate:

3-5 Vine on Tomatoes depending on size
1 Red Jalapeno
1 Serrano Chili
Tiny bit of Red Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
Half Bunch Cilantro
Sea Salt to taste
Juice of 1 Lime

Chop up Tomatoes in Food Processor.
Add remaining ingredients and process until desired consistency.
Adjust salt and spices to taste.

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