
Friday, September 25, 2015

Favorite Things About Fall

Happy Friday you guys!!!
I'm back today for another Friday Link Up!
And again, I'm linking up with THREE different groups.
Make sure to check them all out at the bottom of this post!

Last month I posted about ways to wrap up Summer.
If you missed that you can read it here.
And now that it's officially Fall, it's time to talk about my

I don't know about you,
but when Fall rolls around it's "holiday season" for me!
No, I'm not talking Christmas and New Years.
I'm talking about Halloween and Thanksgiving!!!
Decorating, Celebrating and all that goes with both holidays!

It's time for Pumpkin EVERYTHING!
Local stores have been stocking up on pumpkin "stuff" for weeks.
And that makes me a happy girl.
I pretty much love pumpkin in anything and everything
Pie, Ice Cream, Seeds, Puree and more!!

You can eat squash pretty much all year long,
but something about Fall just screams squash to me.
There are many different kinds and ways to prepare squash.
But three of my favorite type of Fall squash are:
DelicataButternut and Acorn

It's been HOT in Los Angeles and I'm ready for it to FEEL like Fall.
I'm looking forward to cooler weather and the leaves changing...
But sadly maybe not in LA just yet...

And last but not least bring on the Fall clothing!!!
I've always loved Fall clothes and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Even if it's not cool enough just yet,
Bring on the SweatersScarves and Boots!

Now for more Friday Link Up Fun, check out the blogs below!

Andrea and Erika's blogs from Friday Favorites.

April's blog from 5 on Friday.

Karli and Amy's blogs from oh hey friday!


  1. oh i totally feel ya on wanting the cooler fall weather! anytime now would be spectacular! i bought a butternut squash today and am going to make parmesan roasted squash tomorrow! whats your favourite way to cook it?

    happy weekend!
