
Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas DIY Round Up

For this month's DIY post,
instead of sharing one DIY project,
I'm sharing FIVE past DIY projects
that are all Christmas related!

Let's start with some homemade holiday cards.

If you've followed my blog for awhile,
you'll know that I make pretty much all my cards.
I've done it for years and can't imagine buying them again.
Which reminds me, I need to get on that for this year!

Now how about some fun homemade ornaments?

I've made thumbprint ornaments the past two years.
They are pretty easy and always come out really cute!
I should make some this year too.
Any suggestions for a new design?

And last but not least, I can't forget a DIY decoration.

I saw this idea in 2013 originally,
but waited until 2014 to make it.
And I LOVE it so very much!!!
I'll be displaying this for years to come for sure!


  1. Hi Robyn - I love these great DIY ideas. Thanks so much for linking up with the Let's Get Real Party.

  2. Those thumbprint snowmen ornaments are precious! Pinning right now. We need a few more projects before Christmas! Thank you :)
