
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Steak & Chicken Kebabs

I purchased a propane grill in May and have been grilling nonstop!
The day I bought it I made a mental note of all the things I wanted to grill.
Kebabs have been a favorite of mine since I was a child,
so they were at the top of the list of yummy foods to make!

I like to marinate what I'll be putting on the kebabs
and that includes not only the meats,
but the variety of veggies you'll be using too.

You can use any marinade you like,
even store bought would be fine,
but I like to whip something together myself!

The Goods Part 1:
Chicken Breasts
Sirloin Steak
Yellow Squash
Bell Peppers
Red Onion

Cut up your meat and veggies so that it's the size of about two bites.
Try to get everything similar sized so your kebabs cook evenly. 

The Goods Part 2:
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Fresh Lemon Juice
Course Dijon Mustard
Fresh Rosemary

I'm a bad blogger and didn't measure anything out,
so I don't really have instructions for my marinade.
I just dump the goods into a gallon zipper bag, seal and mix up.

Add your chopped meat and veggies to the marinade.
Let sit at least an hour, but up to overnight.

Now the fun begins...time to skewer your kebabs!

I like to do all of the same type of food on one kebab,
because cooking times vary for different foods.

Again, this will help your kebabs cook evenly.

Fill your grill with your kebab skewers and start to cook them.
Keep an eye on them, turning the skewers every few minutes until fully cooked.

MMMmmm my mouth is watering just looking at those kebabs!!!

Remove the food from the skewers and serve with a yummy side like cauliflower rice

And make a little extra because kebab leftovers are some of the best!!!


  1. YUM! I love kebabs!!

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  2. Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing your delicious recipe over at Let's Get Real. I totally understand how it is so much easier to cook for yourself without the measuring. All of the time, I create new recipes and think about how I should have written some measurements down so the recipe could be recreated. Your kabobs look delicious. Everything tastes better when it's grilled I say.
