
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

DIY: Flower Pot Make Up Brush Holder

This DIY project sorta just fell in my lap.
Not literally fell, but it didn't take much thought!
A project that's easy, free (for me) and has a purpose?
Yes, please - I'm all for that!

While cleaning up some "clutter" around my place recently,
I ran across a sad orchid that just wasn't going to survive.
I almost threw the whole thing in the trash, but then had a bright idea...
Use the flower pot for a make up brush holder!!!

I've been searching for months for the right thing.
I've tried different sized containers, but noting was right.
I had a feeling my idea was something that would work great,
so take a look below at the super easy process to see what I did.

The Goods:
Mini Flower Pot
Cotton Balls
Make Up Brushes

Put a good amount of cotton balls at the bottom of the flower pot.
I didn't count, but I probably used between 10 and 15 total.

Next, add the flat marbles on top of the layer of cotton balls.
You'll want to fill the flower pot at least half way full.
These will help support your individual brushes.

Now, stick your bushes into the flat marbles to your liking.

And finally - place on your vanity/counter to not only display,
but to also have them at your reach whenever needed! 

If you missed last month's DIY post, check it out here.
I'm apparently on a kick re-purposing old flower pots I already own!

To see more DIY projects I complete, 
make sure to check back on the 12th of every month!!!


  1. What a lovely flower pot for brushes! Thank you for sharing it with us. #pintorials

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with Awesome Things Tuesday last week! Come party with us again, we'd love to have you!

  3. Hey Dee! Thank you. Look for another post from me there soon! :)
