
Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday Favorites Link Up

Hi guys! 
Hope you had a great Turkey Day!

I'm doing something a little different.
I'm posting on a Friday AND I'm participating in a Link Up!

Robyn's Favorite Fall Things of 2014!
I know, I know Fall is pretty much over for 2014
but below are 5 of my favorite Fall things from this year!

1. Fall Decorations!
I love holiday decorations in general.
But Fall ones are right at the top!

Just a small bit of what my apartment looks like.
Check out this post for a more detailed look!

2. Thanksgiving Food!
We literally had a FEAST 
and I can't wait to eat leftovers!

Yum! My Thanksgiving plate!!!
And that's not even everything we had.

3. Time with Family!
I have a GREAT family and I'm so thankful for them
every day, but especially during the holidays!!

I did a lot of the cooking and mostly failed at picture taking.
I took pictures of of the food (post on that coming soon),
and the awesome sunset picture with my cousin above,
but sadly no group picture of everyone! 
Big Fat Whoops!!!

4. Homemade Pumpkin Puree!
That canned stuff will do in a pinch,
but homemade is always best!

I posted this pic on Instagram the night I made the puree!
Try making it yourself! It's SO SO SO easy.
Roast the pumpkin, remove skin after cooking, 
puree with a tiny bit of water to thin and DONE!

5. Pumpkin Seeds!
How could I make the puree and NOT roast the seeds?
I mean, it'd be silly to let those babies go to waste!
I didn't carve a pumpkin for Halloween this year,
so I almost missed out on home roasted seeds.
But lucky me - I have a few more pumpkins that I had on display.
Which I'll soon turn into more puree and roasted seeds!

Now, head on over to Andrea and Erika's blogs to check out more of today's Link Up!

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