
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Night Dinner: Take 10!

It's been awhile since I did a Sunday Night Dinner post, so I thought it was time to bring it back! 

Since I obviously don't work on Sundays, and I was home for most of the day, I figured that baked potatoes would be perfect. I didn't have to rush to bake them after work - I like to cook them long and slow and they have to be done juuuuust right! While they were baking, I had time to do other chores and  was also able to start working on the delicious toppings.

But before we get to the toppings, it's important to start thinking about the moistness and fluffyness of your potato after baking. For this - you can't forget the most important part: poking the potato with a fork multiple times. From there you can do pretty much whatever you want, but here's what I do...

Wash potatoes, pat dry potatoes, slather potatoes with butter, sprinkle potatoes with salt, wrap potatoes in foil and FINALLY poke with a fork 5 or so times.

If you do all the above, you'll hopefully end up with this:

A perfectly baked potato!

After being sliced opened and "smooshed" from each end.

While regular butter and sour cream is's always fun to get more creative. And tonight, I was making a MEAL out of this potato so there was going to be more then the norm.

I made...

Blackened Chicken Baked Potatoes!!!

Using my blackened seasoning mix, I cooked up two chicken breasts in a pan and then cut them into bite sized pieces.

In addition to the SPICY chicken, I had a whooooooole bunch of other yummy toppings to put on the amazingly tasty potato.

Butter, Sour Cream, Alfredo Sauce, Shredded Cheese, 
Bacon Pieces and Chopped HOMEGROWN Green Onions.

And lastly, the meal was all tied together with a green vegetable - one of my favorites: Steamed Broccoil!

 Nom nom nom!

And no...I didn't it it ALL! 

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