
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Poor Forgotten Garden

When I was talking to my mom recently, she said to me, 
"You haven't posted about your garden in awhile".
I know, it's been a long time - almost five months in fact,
but if I'm being honest there hasn't been THAT much to share.

Yes, I still have a garden growing on my balcony, 
but it's not what it used to be.

I'm pretty sure I'll always have fresh herbs
and I do enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers,
but I don't think I'll ever have "crops" growing
like I did when I first started this blog 
over FOUR YEARS ago!

So without rambling and saying much more,
let me show you what I do have growing  in my garden these days. 

Four different views of the balcony.
And of course a little appearance by Kahn!

My two balcony trees!
A lemon tree with FIVE lemons growing.
And my Christmas Tree from a few years ago.
It started off less than a foot tall,
and is now HUGE!
Can't wait to decorate it this Christmas!

A mixture of flowers.

And another mixture of flowers.
LOVE the dark purple pansies!

Some red geraniums with a cute little harvest sign.

And pink geraniums in hanging baskets.

My collection of Fresh Herbs!
I currently have the following in my garden:
Basil, Rosemary, Dill, Chives, Parsley, Oregano and Sage.

My jalapeno plant!
I thought I lost this one earlier in the year,
but then it came back and is doing so much better!
And I currently have a handful of peppers growing too!

A recent addition to the garden.
A Thai Chili Pepper plant.
I have yet to use the peppers,
but I'm betting they're HOT!!!

A mixture of other plants between the two trees.
I have two little mum plants (that aren't currently blooming),
two little gardenia plants that are very fickle and 
another that used to have flowers in in with some ground cover,
but I lost the flowers when the ground cover took over!

Oh and I can't forget!!!
One last thing before I go...
I MUST introduce you to someone!

With Halloween being just around the corner,
there's a little visitor in my garden!
Keep on reading to see who it is!
I don't think you'll be disappointed.


My hope is to return to posting about my garden more often,
at least more often than every five months that is!

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