
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cookies and Cream Covered Pretzels

Valentine's Day was a few weeks ago and I didn't make ANY treats for the holiday. Shocking, I know!!! To be honest - I was quite busy at the time and it kind of just slipped my mind. I am sorry family, friends and co-workers for not bringing or sending you any treats this year.

One of my friends and old neighbors DID make Valentine's treats and posted about them on her blog!  As soon as I saw them, I knew I wanted to try them and would make them soon! They looked so simple and only required pretzels, Hershey's Hugs and plain M&M's. It doesn't get much easier than that folks! 

While enjoying a heart shaped cookies and cream chocolate candy last weekend, I realized that those little suckers would probably be a good substitute for the Hershey's Hugs. I had mini pretzel twists and plain M&M's so I just HAD to make the delicious looking treats.  

The Goods:
Mini Pretzel Twists
Heart Shaped Cookies & Cream Chocolates
Plain M&M's

Line cookie sheet with Parchment Paper.
Place one chocolate on top of each pretzel. 

Bake at 200 Degrees for about 5 minutes until chocolate is shiny and slightly soft. 
They will still be in the original shape and not completely melted. 

Place an M&M in the center of each chocolate and press down lightly.


They were AMAZING! I have yet to try them with a Hershey's Hug, but I'm sure they would be just as tasty. 

It doesn't have to be Valentine's day to enjoy these, so make 'em, eat 'em and possibly even share 'em! :)

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