
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Delicious Potato Bites

While browsing many different cooking blogs, I find numerous recipes I want to make. I save them on my computer in a file called "Recipes To Try" and once I try them - if I like them - I add them to a different file called "Recipes Tried And Liked". Creative, I know! 

Anyway - it usually takes me awhile to get around to make these recipes because I have so many! Recently I found a recipe I knew I had to try and I knew I had to try it soon! 

Heavenly potato bites is more accurate. I couldn't believe how amazing they were. I've made many different kinds of twice baked potato before, but there was just something different about these. And I can't put my finger on it either so just trust me! 

And now - the process to heavenly potato goodness captured for all too see:

The cleaned lil potatoes. 
The original recipe called for red potatoes, but I used golden because I'm a rebel like that!
Not really - I had them and needed to use them up! 

The potatoes all oiled up, bottom sliced off and ready for baking!

Bacon - for this recipe and another. 
I like bacon. I like bacon a lot actually.
But I'd NEVER put that much back into twelve tiny potatoes!

Bacon frying up while potatoes bake.

Scooped out potatoes.

The filling after scooping them out.

Filled and ready for second baking!

Halfway through baking.

Annnnnnnnnnnnn done!

Ready for my tummy! I had a couple...okay maybe I had four, but they were tiny! 

Now go make them. They're AMAZING. You'll wish you made more to freeze and bake later. I wish I'd made double the recipe, so I suggest you do it and avoid my regret! 

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