
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sprinkles Cupcake Made by ME!!!

At my work's holiday party last year, we all got a Sprinkles Cupcake Mix. We got to pick which flavor we wanted and I decided on Red Velvet. They taste so so so good and I wanted to see if I could recreate the amazingness!

I know, the holidays are months ago. I should have made them by now! I'm a horrible person, I know. 

Truth be told - I forgot I had them for awhile and rediscovered them about a month ago. I just hadn't really gotten around to making them because I was too busy with Cake Balls, Mississippi Mud Bars, Oh and Thin Mint Ice Cream too!

But now... now I have time for the cupcakes!

The idea to make them came to me on Saturday night and I got all the ingredients at the grocery store on Sunday. 

Putting together the mix took a little bit more work than your average store bought cake mike, but it was still a piece of cake! (Haha!!!) The frosting recipe made way more than enough, so I ended up using the leftovers for something else. You'll read about it soon! 

In the cupcake liners.

Halfway through baking!

Done baking.
They smell soooooo good!!!

Cooling and waiting to be frosted.

All done!

While mine don't look exactly like ones you'd buy at a Sprinkles store, they DID taste amazing! 

Would I make them again?

Maybe... but only if I were given the mix again. I'd like to try another flavor too.

Send me a mix and I'll only take three of the cupcakes! ;) 

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