
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Adventures In Homemade Ice Cream

I received an awesome ice cream maker from an amazing aunt and uncle this Christmas. Thanks Kelly and Tom! As soon as I saw my new kitchen appliance, I was very interested and couldn’t wait to get home to try it out.

A few days after getting home from Arizona I decided it was time to give homemade ice cream a try and made a list of all the things I’d need to make two different types: Simple Chocolate and Fresh Strawberry.

Sounds simple right? Well not completely because I had to go to three different grocery stores to find those darn strawberries! I know, I know, I could have used frozen but then it wouldn’t have been Fresh Strawberry ice cream! ANNNND it was Simple CHOCOLATE, not Simple Fresh Strawberry! 

I mixed up the ingredients for both types and let them sit in the fridge over night. While mixing the chocolate, I decided it needed something more, so I added mini marshmallow. YUM!

Chocolate Marshmallow Mixture

Fresh Strawberry Mixture

The next afternoon, I pulled the ice cream maker out of the box, the mixture out of the fridge and the frozen tubs out of the freezer.

It was now ICE CREAM TIME!!!

Chocolate came first and was quite rich when it was done churning. Rich but airy.

Right after adding the mixture...

Halfway through the churning...

And it's done! :)

Next was the strawberry, which was also airy and simply amazing.

It's still exciting pouring the second mixture in...

And watching it get thicker...

And pulling out the finished product was MORE thrilling than the chocolate one!

I put both the chocolate and strawberry into the freezer for a few hours and was quite glad I did. In the end, it was the same texture and consistency I was used to, but the taste was just SO much better than anything I’ve ever purchase at the store.

Before chilling out in the freezer for a few more hours!

I made these flavors a few weeks ago and made two new batches this weekend. There aren't any photos of those yet, but I did a repeat of the Chocolate Marshmallow and tried Mint Chocolate Chip for the first time! Both are mighty tasty!

I don't think I will be buying store bought ice cream for awhile!

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