
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Garden - 8 Weeks

Last week I told you about the first snap pea blossom and how excited I was.  Well, I'm even more excited this week because not only do I have another blossom, but I have my very first snap pea now too!


I'm very excited about the progress of the snap peas, but I'm just as excited about my other Fall crops like the carrots, beet and spinach.


After taking these pictures, I harvested many of the large spinach leaves to enjoy this week. They'll probably grow back by next week's update that you wouldn't have really noticed.

The beets and carrots are getting bigger and stronger each week and can't wait to see what ends up happening with them.  Something great I hope!



The herbs all continue to thrive.  Well, I hope they're all still thriving actually.  

Let me explain...just like the spinach, I harvested my cilantro. But unlike the spinach, there isn't really anything left except stubs of what was once the stems of the delicious herb. I did something very similar to this with my Flat Leaf Parsley and that's doing great so I'm hoping the same will be true with the cilantro.

Cilantro Before

Cilantro After

Flat Leaf Parsley


Upright Rosemary


These too keep getting heartier each and every day!

And as always, the old favorites keep hangin' on.  Both the tomato and jalapeno plants keep producing buds, but with the weather being soooooo odd recently, not many of the buds turn into fruit.  

Tomato Plant

Jalapeno Plant

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